How do you remove small scratches and stone chips in the paint on your car?
How do you remove small scratches and stone chips in the paint on your car?
Even the smallest scratches or stone chips can reduce the value of your car considerably. Nevertheless, the effects of slight parking dent or superficial scratches can be easily and inexpensively repaired by so-called “smart repair”.
Get in contact with your local Bosch Car Service to find out more about “smart repair” to increase the value of your car.
What should you look out for in the tyres?
What should you look out for in the tyres?
Tyres play a key role in fuel consumption. This starts with the selection; the higher the rolling resistance, the more fuel is consumed. Therefore, inform yourself about the features of your tyres when buying. Once mounted, it is mainly about the correct air pressure. This is because fuel consumption increases by 1 percent when the tyre pressure is lower than the ideal value by only 0.2 bar. In contrast, fuel can be saved by a moderately elevated pressure value.
Check the tire pressure every alternate refueling and adjust it, if necessary.
How important is correct headlight adjustment?
How important is correct headlight adjustment?
Incorrectly set headlights are not only a danger to the driver, but for all other road users as well. Not only do they fail to provide sufficient illumination, they can also dazzle the drivers of oncoming vehicles. So it is important to have your lights checked at regular intervals to ensure safe driving at all times. Bosch Car Service workshops can perform headlamp adjustment for you.
What checks should you perform on your car before setting off on holiday?
What checks should you perform on your car before setting off on holiday?
Holiday at last! But while you can sit back and relax, your vehicle has a lot to cope with. The greater load, high speeds, hot weather and long journeys are a source of immense strain. To make sure your car gets you safely to your destination it is well worth giving some thought to a few important aspects before starting off.
- The tyre inflation pressure should be adjusted to the the manufacturers recommended level for safer driving and to reduce fuel consumption and tyre wear. Important information can be found in the owner's manual, on the inside of the tank flap, on the door pillar or in our Tire guide.
- Do not overload the vehicle beyond its limit.
- Check the condition of the all necessary equipment such as tool kit and first aid kit and replace if required.
- Check the levels of windshield washer fluid and anti-freeze.
- Check the oil level and top up if necessary.
What is especially important in car care and exterior cleaning?
What is especially important in car care and exterior cleaning?
Ensure that the car washes are modern as far as possible as the conventional brushes have the potential to cause damage to the paintwork of your vehicle. If you prefer to clean your car yourself, handle the high-pressure cleaner with care; always keep the nozzle at a sufficient distance to prevent any damage to the paint, tyres, headlights and wheels.
The following parts should be regularly cleaned and maintained:
- Rim (in particular, alloy wheels)
- Paint (e.g. with a polish, car wax or touch-up pens for repairing minor damage)
- Rubber and chrome-plated elements (e.g. with rubber conditioner or polishing paste)